The Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition was first introduced eight years ago in 2005 and was launched in order to give readers something a bit different when compared to the weekly financial news and market reports that are published in the standard edition.
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The Weekend edition immediately became a hit as many WSJ readers were looking for something to entertain them at the weekends. The WSJ Weekend Edition includes stories and topics relating to lifestyle issues, travel, literature, entertainment, culture and cooking. Below are five great reasons why you might consider subscribing to the Wall Street Journal Weekend edition this year.

Sample cover page from the WSJ Weekend Only Edition
Comes at an Affordable Price
There are two different subscription models available meaning you can either choose a half yearly subscription or the annual subscription. When you choose the yearly subscription you will receive 52 copies straight to your door every weekend, and will get the better discount. This lets you save more money because with the annual subscription you get over 50% off which works out at only $1 a week. You also get 4 weeks of free subscription when you purchase through Coupon Chili – check the link here to WSJ Weekend discounts.
Great Layout and Easy to Read
The WSJ Weekend Edition is easy to read due to the well designed layout of the magazines and papers. The design is very different from the weekday paper and looks a lot more informal and more accessible. Most people view the Weekend edition more like a family magazine as it’s usually simple for everyone to find something interesting to read, no matter what their age or political persuasions.
Quick Home Delivery
Most subscribers to the WSJ tend to get it delivered to their office. The Wall Street Journal Weekend subscription gets delivered to your home, and if you subscribe you will get your first copy within 7 days or ordering. You can read it at your leisure and hopefully get away from the grind of the Monday to Friday, nine to five grind of daily business life.
Well Informed Content and Editorial
The content within the pages of the WSJ Weekend is typically very informal, yet still extensive enough to give you the full story. It will let you keep abreast of the entertainment world, current affairs, and leisure pursuits as well as additional sections on technology, cooking, and global sports news. If you have a family, then everyone can pull out a section to interest them and should find something of interest.
Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition – Money Back Guarantee
Should you decide that you wish to cancel your subscription to the Wall Street Journal Weekend, then you can do that at anytime, and will get any outstanding money that is owed on undelivered subscriptions for your sign-up period. The WSJ is a reputable paper, owned wholly by the Dow Jones company and has a reputation for fairness of opinion – that fairness extends to their customer service when it comes to cancellations and billing queries.
Conclusion: If you have not tried the WSJ Weekend only subscription then I would thoroughly recommend that you do. With the money back guarantee and 4 weeks of free subscription currently on offer, you don’t really have too much to lose – so give it a go! You can find out more about the deal on our home page so click for Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition.